Computer Society
The main purpose of IEEE YTU Computer Society is to provide an environment that will enable members interested in computers to develop their skills based on computer and information processing technology through projects. In addition, it provides the technical support and software need such as website development the club needs. Aiming to develop applications and algorithms in different programming languages, the committee carries out many activities to provide the mentoring, training and discussion environment that members need, as well as contributing to the development of projects. It contributes to the development of its members in software and informatics through various workshops, events and trainings held throughout the year. With our CS FORGE Game Development Team, we aim to both develop projects and instill teamwork in members.
Our Educations
- Programming Educations on YouTube
- CS FORGE Game Manager Education
- CS FORGE Game Developer Education
- CS FORGE 3D Artist Education
- WEB Development Education
Our Events
- Final Countdown
- Technical Trips
- Workshops